Pregnancy, Birth and Postnatal Support

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There are many local charities, groups and activities that support mums from pregnancy right through to the early years of a child’s life – whatever joys and challenges this brings.

Mental wellbeing

If you are worried about your mental health before or after giving birth, then you can talk to your GP, midwife or health visitor about a referral to Cambridgeshire & Peterborough NHS Foundation Trusts Perinatal Mental Health TeamFind out more here.

You can also self-refer to CPSL Mind’s Supporting New Mums service or their Supporting New Dads service.

Activities and support

Barnardo’s Child and Family Centres offer a variety of activities for children aged 0-5 years and their parents/carers, aimed to support with development, bonding and understanding between child and parent/carer. Find out more here.

NCT Birth, Feeding and You provides community infant feeding and emotional wellbeing peer support. Find out more here.

Hampton Tiddlers is a stay and play group for children aged 0 to 5 and their parents, offering a huge variety of activities to connect and provide support to parents and carers, as well as provide a safe place for children to play, learn and develop. Find out more here.

The Raham Project is for mothers and their partners of ethnic minority backgrounds. The group is dedicated to all things related to pregnancy, childbirth and the post birth period – with an emphasis on maintaining and improving maternal mental well being. Find out more here.

Connecting Muslim Mums is a six week wellbeing programme for Muslim mums who are pregnant or have at least one child under two. You’ll meet other mums and share ways to support your wellbeing in a supportive and friendly group. Find out more here.

MUMMA, based in Peterborough, offers practical help, advice and emotional support for Black, Asian and Mixed Ethnicity mothers, babies and families. This is run by Barnardo’s in partnership with CPSL Mind and The Raham Project. All services and activities are free. Find out more here.

Little Miracles is a charity that supports families that have children with additional needs, disabilities and life limiting condition they also offer a counselling service for young people and their families for those with additional needs. Find out more here.

How to contact

Where to go

Throughout Peterborough

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