Barnardo's Child and Family Centres offer a variety of activities for children aged 0-5 years and their parents/carers, aimed to support with development, bonding and understanding between child and parent/carer. They also offer additional support for families.
How to contact
Where to go
Honeyhill Child and Family Centre
150 Chadburn
Peterborough PE4 7DH
First Steps Child and Family Centre
20 Scalford Drive
Welland Road
Peterborough PE1 4TR
East Child and Family Centre
21 Durham Road
Peterborough PE1 5JU
Orton Child & Family Centre
Herlington Shopping Centre
Orton Malborne
Peterborough PE2 5PW
Fulbridge Child & Family Zone
Keeton Road
Peterborough PE1 3JQ
Gladstone Child & Family Zone
290 Gladstone St
Peterborough PE1 2BX
Iqbal Centre / Gladstone Connect
157 Cromwell Road
Peterborough PE1 2EL
South Bretton Family & Community Centre - Cross Keys Homes
WestRaven Community Cafe
Hampton Court
Activity Sessions
All sessions and courses run by Barnardo’s are free.
While each Barnardo’s centre offers a different mix of activities, across Peterborough there are things for parents and children from age 0 -5 (and expectant mothers), including:
- Before birth – what to expect, how to prepare to be a parent, challenges and coping skills
- Baby time and baby massage
- Play, singing, and fun learning time
- Young parents’ support, making new friends and sharing experiences (under age 25, no lower age limit)
- Information and tips on growth, development, health, nutrition
- Getting ready for school – promoting language and literacy skills
- NHS midwifes and health visitors
- Activities and support for children with special needs
See the individual centres’ pages to find out more:
- Honey Hill Child and Family Centre
- First Steps Child and Family Centre
- East Child and Family Centre
- Orton Child and Family Centre
- Fulbridge Child and Family Zone
- Gladstone Child and Family Zone
Some activities are also held in community venues:
Iqbal Centre/Gladstone Connect
Address: 157 Cromwell Road, Peterborough, PE1 2EL
Phone: 07899 664 044
- Stay and Play (sessions):
Sessions provide a safe and stimulating learning environment in which parents/carers can play with their children, have fun and learn together whilst focusing on developing their child’s language, literacy and preparing their child for school. Suitable for toddlers to age 5’s.
South Bretton Family and Community Centre
Address: Tyesdale, Peterborough PE3 9XZ
Phone: 01733 385 000
WestRaven Community Café
Address: Hampton Court, Westwood, Peterborough PE3 7JA
Phone: 01733 330 040
- Song, Rhyme and Storytime (sessions):
Fun and interactive zoom session suitable for all ages. Helps to promote language and literacy skills of children from birth ‐ 5 years, through songs, rhymes, sharing of books and story sacks. They use a range of props to encourage movement, rhythm and listening skills making this a fun, action packed session.
If requests come in for clothes for children, Barnardo’s will be able to source the items from their stock of donated clothing. Any requests will need to be collected from one of the child & family centres. Contact them to find out more.
The Food Basket
The Food Basket is a community fridge operating out of three Barnardo’s centres in Peterborough. They offer local fresh food to the community, reducing food waste and tackling food insecurity. See this page to find out more.
Community Café
The newest element offer is the Honey Pot Café at Honeyhill Child & Family Centre. It runs every Tuesday when the child & family centre is open.
The only course with a charge is Baby Massage, to cover massage oils.
Visit the Barnardo’s booking form, where you will find details of charges, dates and times of sessions, and additional information.
What to expect?
You will receive a friendly welcome into all of the centres. You won’t need to bring anything with you, but if your child is involved in messy play you may wish to bring a clean set of clothing to change into after the session.
All of the venues have toilets and disabled toilets, and are wheelchair accessible. They also have car parking and are on Peterborough bus routes.
The centres also have a variety of volunteering opportunities, from helping out with activities, to admin, gardening, and more. Contact them to see what is available.
More information
Barnardo’s is committed to the ambition of improving outcomes and life chances for all children, young people and their families.
The core purpose is to ensure that all children have the best start in life and achieve positive outcomes. A key focus of Barnardo’s service is reaching children and families from within their local community to support with day to day needs and challenges. This will be achieved through a mixture of universal open access and targeted services.
The centres create an environment where children feel that:
- I like to interact with the adults around me.
- I am curious.
- I like to go to the park.
- I am beginning to communicate my needs with pointing and making attempts at some words.
- I like to show the family worker my toys when she visits.
How to contact
Where to go
Honeyhill Child and Family Centre
150 Chadburn
Peterborough PE4 7DH
First Steps Child and Family Centre
20 Scalford Drive
Welland Road
Peterborough PE1 4TR
East Child and Family Centre
21 Durham Road
Peterborough PE1 5JU
Orton Child & Family Centre
Herlington Shopping Centre
Orton Malborne
Peterborough PE2 5PW
Fulbridge Child & Family Zone
Keeton Road
Peterborough PE1 3JQ
Gladstone Child & Family Zone
290 Gladstone St
Peterborough PE1 2BX
Iqbal Centre / Gladstone Connect
157 Cromwell Road
Peterborough PE1 2EL
South Bretton Family & Community Centre - Cross Keys Homes
WestRaven Community Cafe
Hampton Court