The YMCA Family Respect project provides support to families where young people aged 10 - 16 are displaying abusive behaviours towards their parents, carers or other people in their family. It provides in-depth, tailored support to the young person and other family members.
How to contact
Where to go
Available across Peterborough
What to expect
The Family Respect project aims to work collaboratively with the young person who is displaying abusive behaviours, in order to find a solution and rebuild the family relationship. Practitioners meet with the young person and their family in a face-to-face setting, over a period of approximately 13 weeks. They provide solution focused strategies to help families achieve long-lasting change.
More information
Child and Adolescent to Parent Violence and Abuse (CAPVA) takes many forms, and the signs are often invisible to those on the outside of it. Some signs of abuse to look out for include a young person:
- Showing physical or violent behaviour towards others in their home.
- Causing damage to items in their home, or to items which belong to someone else.
- Using coercion and manipulation to control others.
- Using verbal insults or threats to others in their home.
- Stealing or demanding money or property.
It is not possible to self-refer to the Family Respect Programme. Referrals usually come through the Police, as a family needs to have had police involvement in order to be eligible for the programme.
However, the team are very happy to speak to parents/carers experiencing this issue. Email [email protected]. They can talk to you about your situation, and tell you about support that is available.
Other support
PEGS – Parental Education Growth Support – is a national charity that offers free online support to any parent, carer or guardian experiencing Child to Parent Abuse, regardless of the age of their child. Support includes drop-in sessions, peer support groups, workshops and one-to-one support. You can find out more and self-refer on their website:
There is no charge to access the YMCA Family Respect project. PEGS also provide their online support free of charge.
How to contact
Where to go
Available across Peterborough