The SUN Network

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Have your say about mental health and addiction services! The SUN Network is an independent organisation, steered by its members, all of whom have lived experience of mental health challenges and/or drug and alcohol misuse. They are there to ensure your voice is heard.

Have your say
The SUN Network gathers and shares the voices of people with lived experience in several ways, including:

Where to find support
They have extensive knowledge about what services are available. They can signpost you to (mostly free) mental health and addiction support near you. They also have handy links on this page.

The SUN Network also offer training on a variety of topics, all of which include expertise of those with lived experience:

  • Introduction to Addiction and Recovery
  • Porn and Sex Addiction
  • Co-Production

You can find out more and book on this page, or contact them about arranging group bookings.

What is co-production?
How does it differ from ‘involving people’ and ‘collaboration’? Read an excerpt from their guidance: Co-production, Collaboration, and Involvement: The Meanings and Differences.

How to contact

Where to go


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