POhWER is a charity that provides information, advice, support and advocacy to people in Cambridgeshire who experience disability, vulnerability, distress and social exclusion.
How to contact
Where to go
Available throughout Peterborough
What to expect
POhWER delivers a range of free advocacy services to residents of Cambridgeshire. An advocate is an independent professional who can support you to have your say and know your rights when it comes to decisions about your health, care and wellbeing. An advocate can:
- listen to what you think about what’s happening to you
- help you say what you want and don’t want
- help you understand information about your situation
- explain your options
- plan with you about what to do next
The video above gives more information about what advocacy involves. Types of support an advocate might help with include if you are detained (‘sectioned’) in hospital or in prison; support at care assessments; challenging a decision; or complaining about NHS care. If you need support that your advocate cannot offer, they can help you find other organisations that offer that support.
More information
Statutory advocacy services: Some people are legally entitled to an advocate because of their circumstances – for example because they’re being treated under the Mental Health Act or because they lack the mental capacity to make their own decisions. The statutory advocacy services provided by POhWER include:
- Independent Mental Capacity Advocacy (IMCA)
- Relevant Person’s Paid Representative Services (RPPR)
- Independent Mental Health Advocacy (IMHA)
- Independent Care Act Advocacy
- NHS Complaints Advocacy
Non – Statutory advocacy services: POhWER also provide community advocacy to other people who may struggle to put their views across due to disability, illness or their age. This includes those with a learning disability or autism. POhWER also offer:
- Self-advocacy workshops
- Peer support groups
You can find full information about all the services above including eligibility details and referral forms on the POhWER website.
If you are deaf and would like advocacy support in BSL visit the Cambridgeshire Deaf Association website.
If you are not sure whether you can get an advocate, or for more information, advice and support in your area, you can contact POhWER on 0300 456 2370 or email [email protected].
All advocacy services are provided by POhWER free of charge.
How to contact
Where to go
Available throughout Peterborough