The Peterborough and District Deaf Children’s Society supports families in Peterborough and the surrounding area. It provides a range of fun activities for children, as well as information and support for parents, carers and other family members.
How to contact
Where to go
Peterborough (available throughout)
What to expect
PDDCS, also known as Peterborough and District Deaf Children’s Society, provide lots of activities for children who are deaf or have hearing loss living in and around the local area (which is anywhere near Peterborough). They aim to do as much cool stuff as possible for kids, from babies and toddlers all the way to young adults.
PDDCS provide positive support regarding any language choice parents or children make. They try to offer as much help and guidance as they can on not only on language but accessing help and support in school and early years settings, technology and audiology.
It is a growing charity with database of 100 members (or so) which is an achievement they are really proud of and they hope it continues to grow. If you’re looking to get involved then please get in touch.
More Information
If you would like sign up please send a request by email or Facebook. One of the team will be in contact with you within a week.
Some activities may be free to members. Advice and information is free via the website and Facebook page.
There is a yearly membership fee.
Some activities may require payment. For further details please contact a member of the team.
How to contact
Where to go
Peterborough (available throughout)