Making Space – Support for Carers

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Making Space is a charity that provides support for people caring for someone with a mental health illness.

Steph introduces Making Space:

Being a carer can take its toll on your own physical, emotional and mental health.

Making Space is here to help you if you are aged 18 or over, regardless of the age of the cared-for person or what mental health condition they have.

Services are free of charge.

You can refer yourself (just give them a call or email), or be referred in by any organisation – it doesn’t need to be a GP.

Making Space is a carer-led organisation, with carers’ needs put first. Services they provide include:

  • One-to-one support with a named support worker, allowing you to build up a relationship with them without the need to keep repeating “your story”
  • Carer-led groups, coffee mornings and information sessions held at a range of locations across the county
  • Identifying services you and the person you care for may need and signposting to other services, organisations and charities
  • Information on mental health conditions
  • Carer support to relatives of people with young onset dementia (under 65’s)
  • Liaison with other professionals on your behalf, with your permission

Making Space work in partnership with Caring Together and Centre 33, to provide all-age carer support service.

How to contact

Where to go

No fixed venue
Peterborough PE3 6LB

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