Grief Kind Spaces are informal community drop-ins, providing an opportunity for people who have been bereaved to share their feelings and experiences with each other. The sessions are welcoming, inclusive and open to anyone who is over 18.
How to contact
Where to go
Dobbies Garden centre
Cygnet Park
Phorpres Way
Peterborough PE7 8YN
Grieving? You’re not alone – support is available from Sue Ryder.
What to expect
Grief Kind Spaces are weekly, in-person drop-in sessions held in the local community and run by trained volunteers. The sessions provide a safe, informal and supportive place for people to come together and share their experiences of grief, helping attendees to feel heard and less alone.
The sessions are welcoming, inclusive and open to anyone who is over 18 and has experienced a bereavement, whether you want to attend regularly to connect with others in similar situations or just drop in for a quick chat. Visit their website to find out more.
Sue Ryder’s Grief Kind Space in Peterborough is open Wednesdays from 10am until 12pm at Dobbies Garden Centre in Hampton.
More information
Please note: Sue Ryder Grief Kind Spaces are not a counselling service. Anyone seeking more formal support can use Sue Ryder’s existing support services:
- Online Bereavement Counselling Service, which offers up to 6 free sessions with a professional counsellor over video (Zoom).
- Other online support including an online community to talk to and receive support from, and various resources, articles, and tools developed by experts.
Grief Kind Spaces are free to attend.
How to contact
Where to go
Dobbies Garden centre
Cygnet Park
Phorpres Way
Peterborough PE7 8YN