Debt and money management advice

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There are a number of organisations in Peterborough that can help you manage your finances and get out of debt. All of them offer free, confidential and non-judgemental advice and support.

Peterborough Citadel Debt Advice Service offers a free debt advice service by appointment. Contact them via phone or email.
Phone: 01733 307 747
Email: [email protected]

KingsGate Community Money Advice Connect Centre. KingsGate Peterborough is partnering with Community Money Advice to run a debt advice service for the congregation and the community. The service is completely free and confidential.
Phone: 07376 598 855
Email: [email protected]

Anglian Water’s Extra Care Support is in place to help customers who are finding keeping up with their bills challenging. They can help with everything from finding discounted tarrifs to managing payments to debt. The Extra Care Assessments also signposts any additional benefits or services you may be eligible for. If you would like to complete Anglian’s Extra Care Assessment online, you can visit or call their Extra Care team on 0800 011 3774.

All of the services above are free.

How to contact

Where to go

Peterborough Citadel Debt Advice Service
Salvation Army Ctr
1203 Bourges Boulevard New England Peterborough PE1 2AU

KingsGate Community Money Advice Connect Centre
2 Staplee Way Parnwell
Peterborough PE1 4YT

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