Key Youth Theatre (KYT), run by Kindred Drama, offers young people aged 18 months – 18+ years the opportunity to develop both their performance skills and build their confidence at the Key Theatre’s very own purpose-built facilities.
This activity is good for wellbeing because
- It is a safe space for young people to explore theatre and themselves as individuals in a supportive environment
- It’s a place to learn new skills, have fun and make friends for LIFE!
- They provide physically, mentally and emotionally stimulating activities in every session throughout the year to build confidence and self-esteem.
‘We love Kindred! An amazing group of people who work exceptionally hard to consistently encourage, support and provide brilliant opportunities for their young people’
‘An amazing experience for all who have a passion for performing arts what ever their age. I have watched young people totally grow and blossom in self- esteem, confidence and total enjoyment with the amazing leadership, talent and enthusiasm that just pours out from the dedicated, professional staff. I have had the privilege of seeing this happen through 2 generations of my family. I totally recommend it.’
How to contact
Where to go
Key Theatre
Embankment Road
What to expect?
Kindred Drama run weekly classes in musical theatre, drama, singing, dance and optional LAMDA exams for all ages. Their sessions, rehearsals and performances all take place within purpose-built performing arts facilities and spaces at the Key Theatre, enabling them to provide the most productive and authentic experiences.
Various sessions run thought the week during term time and members attend weekly to work towards projects and performances throughout the year. The current timetable can be found here.
They also offer LAMDA exams in musical theatre and acting and regularly provide additional workshops and masterclass opportunities. During the school holidays, their extremely popular annual Summer School and Easter Workshops take place in addition to the two full scale musical productions offered each year to anyone who wants to take part.
More information
Kindred Drama/Key Youth Theatre are proud to develop young people as a whole: their confidence, drive, motivation, expectations and friendships. They have been running for over 30 years. Alumni have gone on to star in Hollywood blockbuster films, working with Oscar winning directors, Steven Spielberg and Danny Boyle!
Membership and attendance has a cost, please contact them direct for details.
This video will give you a taster of this activity:
How to contact
Where to go
Key Theatre
Embankment Road